首页 技术中心>装载机制动后挂不上挡的故障的分析与维修保养处理


2015/5/15 14:14:46


The loader brake after hang on the block of the fault analysis and repair maintenance treatment

故障现象 制动后,装载机(ZL40型)突然不能行走,查看变速压力表见指针指向零,但工作装置和转向系统工作正常。

Brake failure, loading machine (model ZL40) suddenly unable to walk, see shift pressure table pointer to zero, but working device and steering system is working properly.

故障分析 装载机变速操纵阀装有一个动力切断阀,通过它可以实现在踏下制动踏板进行制动时,变速箱的换挡离合器能自动分离,使传给行走部分的动力切断。在非制动状态下,制动阀杆在弹簧的作用下应为上、下油道相通,阀杆封闭腔与油箱相通,由调压阀来的压力油经上、下油道进入换挡离合器工作缸,使换挡离合器可以接合。如果制动阀杆卡死或弹簧不能回位,那么上、下油道被隔断,由调压阀来的压力油就不能进入换挡离合器工作缸,换挡离合器就不能接合,装载机就会出现上述现象。阀杆卡死的原因一般多是液压油过脏或是气阀体内Y型密封圈损坏造成的;弹簧不能回位多是由于弹簧变形弯曲或断裂而造成的。

Fault analysis of loading machine speed control valve is equipped with a power shut-off valve, which can be achieved through the foot brake pedal brake and gearbox clutch can automatically separate, make to the walking part of the engine cut off. In the non brake state, brake valve stem under the action of the spring should be, under the oil channel is communicated, stem sealing cavity is communicated with the oil tank, the pressure regulating valve to the oil pressure, oil passage into shifting clutch working cylinder, clutch shift can engage. If brake valve stem stuck or spring can not back a bit, then, oil was cut off, by adjusting the pressure valve to the oil pressure can not enter the shift clutch working cylinder, shifting clutch is not engaged, loading machine will appear afore-mentioned phenomena. Stem card the cause of death is generally more hydraulic oil too dirty or is valve in the Y type sealing ring damage; spring can not back bit is caused due to the deformation of the spring to bend or break.

故障判断与处理 遇上述现象,首先要判断是制动系的故障还是变速器的故障,可通过观察变速压力表的指针是否指向零来判断。如果变速压力表指针指在正常范围内,装载机仍不能行走,说明故障出在制动系上;如果变速压力表指针指向零位,则说明故障出在变速操纵阀上。这时可将仪表盘上的动力切断阀开关,扳在不切断动力的位置上,然后加大油门,观察变速压力表指针是否上升,如不上升,可用铁器轻轻敲击变速阀体的表面,使制动阀杆受振动,在弹簧的作用下而自动回位。如仍没有排除故障,就必须把变

Fault judgment and disposal in case of the above phenomenon, first of all to judge is the braking system malfunction or transmission failure, through the observation of variable pressure table pointer directed zeros judgment. If the transmission pressure gauge pointer in the normal range, loading machine is still unable to walk, indicating a fault in the brake system; if the transmission pressure gauge pointer to zero, then the fault in the variable speed control valve on. At this time, the dashboard on the power shut-off valve switch, pull in do not cut off the power of the position, then stepped on the gas, were observed in transmission pressure gauge pointer is rising, such as do not rise, use the iron tapping the surface of the gear body, the brake valve stem by vibration, in the spring under the action of and automatic back. If there is no fault, it must change


Quick dismantling all body parts, cleaning check, identify the reason for exclusion.


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