首页 技术中心>帕金斯柴油发动机燃油泵、喷油器、滤清器燃油系统的谈细参数与维修保养技术参数资料


2016/5/10 13:31:15


General description
The fuel injection pump is a 12 element in-line unit
driven at 0.5 x engine speed by the timing gears. It is
fitted to a plate in the crankcase ’V’.
A constant s peed governor, integral with the fuel
injection pump, maintains engine speed through the
engine load range. The stop control on the governor
is connected directly to a solenoid, which is actuated
by the stop button and the protection devices of the
engine. A vernier control is connected to the lever of
the speed control for fine adjustment of engine speed.
The end c overs on the ’CS’ governors are of variable
designs, according to the application. Each cover
includes an assembly of a servo-valve and, where a
ramp is used which is not adjustable, the ramp is
fastened to the inner wall of the cover. Additional
differences are the positions for the connections for
the inlet (A1) and the outlet (A3) of the lubricating oil.
Where necessary, a plug is fitted to give access for
the adjustment of the ramp (A2).
As seen from the rear of the engine, the shaft of the
fuel injection pump rotates anti-clockwise. The pump
elements operate in the sequence given below:
1, 9, 4, 11, 2, 7, 6, 10, 3, 8, 5 and 12 at 30 degree
intervals, with No.7 element at the point of spill cutoff
(A6 injection).
The high-pressure fuel pipes are made from special
steel 8 mm diameter x 2 mm bore. Zinc plated nuts
and collars are fitted on both ends of each pipe. The
relevant cylinder number is stamped on the nut at the
pump end of the pipe.
The low-pressure system of fuel pipes is made from
mild steel, with connections of union nuts and
For early engines, the lift pump is driven by a cam on
the rear end of the auxiliary drive shaft. On new
engines, the fuel lift pump is mounted at the front end
of the engine within the engine vee and is driven by
an additional cam lobe on the ’B’ bank camshaft. The
lift pump draws fuel through a primary filter from the
fuel tank before directing it through two filter canisters
to the gallery of the fuel injection pump.

Two low-pressure relief valves (A1) are fitted on the
body of the fuel injection pump. They keep a constant
pressure of 90 to 117 kN/m  (13 to 17 lbf/in ) in the
fuel supply to the gallery of the pump and allow the
surplus fuel to return to the fuel tank. Fuel enters the
elements of the fuel injection pump and is sent at high
pressure, by the elements, to the 12 ’low s pring’ type
of fuel injectors.  The fuel injectors are set to operate
at 243 bar (240 atmospheres).
Early  engines are fitted with Bosch or OMAP fuel
injectors.  New engines are fitted with composite
rocker covers and these have Stanadyne fuel
injectors, as shown (B).
These fuel injectors are longer than the other types to
allow the leak-off banjo connections to be fitted
directly to the bodies of the fuel injec tors above the
composite rocker covers.  Other details are generally
similar to the Bosch and the OMAP fuel injectors.
From the leak-off banjo connections a system of pipes
directs the leak-off fuel to a connection block where it
mixes with the spill fuel and the surplus fuel from the
fuel injection pump. It is then returned to the fuel tank.
The connection block has a vent plug for the low-
pressure fuel system.  For new engines the
connection block is part of the fuel filter head.
Clean thoroughly each component, and the area
around it, before it is dismantled or removed.
Fit suitable caps and plugs to all of the unions
immediately after they have been dis connected.
Components must be absolutely  clean and kept
safely until they are used during the maintenance or
the overhaul of the fuel system.


Primary fuel filter
How to clean the primary fuel filter
1  Remove the three bolts (A1) and remove the filter
bowl (A2).
2  Clean all of the components  with paraffin and dry
them with a compressed air jet.
3  Fit the bowl to the filter head, together with a new
sealing ring.  Align the clamp ring (A3) and fasten it
with the three bolts.
Early engines can be fitted with filters  which have
elements that can be cleaned.  These elements
should be removed, cleaned with fuel oil and dried
with a compressed air jet.
Fuel filter canisters
How to renew the canisters
of the main fuel filter
On new engines the main fuel filter is fitted at the rear
of the engine on the ‘A’ bank side.  For early engines
it is fitted to the 'B' bank side, against the cover of the
coolant gallery as shown (B).  The filter has two
disposable canisters.  Both canisters must be
renewed at the same time.
1 Clean the area around the filter and remove the fuel
filter canis ters.  If neces sary, use a strap wrench.
Discard the canisters.
2 Check that the sealing ring (B1) is fitted correctly to
each new canister and clean the contact faces of the
filter head.
3 Lubricate the top of the canister seal (B1) with clean
fuel oil and renew the sealing ring (B2) on the adaptor.
4 Fit the new canisters to their threaded adaptors and
tighten each canister until the sealing ring just comes
into contact with the filter head.  Continue to tighten
After the fuel filter canisters have been renewed,
eliminate air from the low pressure fuel system as
given in operation 20-16.

Fuel filter head

The fuel filter head is fitted at the rear of the engine

on the ’A’ bank side.  For early engines the fuel filter

head is fitted to the ’B’ bank side, against the cover of

the coolant gallery.

To remove

1  Remov e the two fuel filter canisters.

Caution: Do NOT bend any of the fuel pipes.

2 Disconnect the fuel leak-off pipes from the fuel filter

head.  Remove the pipes if relevant to the job.

3  Disconnect the three low pres sure fuel pipes from

the fuel filter head.  Remove the pipes if relevant to

the job.

4  Hold the fuel filter head and remove the two bolts

and nuts.  Withdraw the bolts and collect the spacers

and washers.

To fit

1  Fit the fuel filter head to the air filter bracket and

retain it with the two bolts and nuts complete with

spacers and plain and spring washers.  The spacers

must be fitted between the fuel filter head and the air

filter bracket.  Tighten the nuts to a torque of 23 Nm

(17 lbf ft).

2  Fit the three low pressure fuel pipes.  Use new

copper sealing washers.

3 Fit the fuel leak-off pipes.  Use new copper sealing


4 Fit the two fuel filter canisters, see operation 20-2.

5  Eliminate air from the low pressure fuel system as

given in operation 20-16.

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